Looking at the future of interoperability policy

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Published on: 19/11/2021 Last update: 10/08/2023

Natalia Aristimuno Perez, Head of Interoperability Unit, DG DIGIT, shares her experience from the past year and views on the future of interoperability.

2020, what a year! Everyone in the Interoperability unit went through many challenges, both on professional and personal level. From having virtual meetings to online coffees and even an online Christmas party, we have lived the full digital and interoperable experience.  

From crisis to digital transformation 

The outbreak and spread of the virus disrupted the work of public administrations, universities and offices, including ours. Due to the confinement measures and social distancing, it proved that digital technology is an essential part of crisis response. Thanks to technology and interoperability, we were able to quickly adapt to teleworking and maintain our work at speed. The transition from working together in our office to full digital interaction was surprisingly smooth.  

We wanted to contribute to the response to the crisis. So, in March, based on our experience with Joinup, the National Interoperability Framework Observatory, and the Open Source Observatory, we created a repository to collect solutions and initiatives that help fight against the coronavirus: Digital Response to COVID-19. In 2020, our unit successfully organised more than 20 webinars and online events, a highlight of these being the first digital edition of SEMIC conference. We welcomed 35 speakers at the conference on Sustainable Data Services that took place on 15 October 2020.  

Interoperability in the spotlight 

2020 became a pivotal point in the future of the digital agenda of the EU. In February, the European Commission adopted the Communication ‘Shaping Europe's digital future’, which sets out as a key action to develop a ‘reinforced EU governments interoperability strategy’ by 2021. Turning our workplace digital due to the COVID-19 crisis, this year has showed us how important interoperability and digitalisation are. It is the right moment to decide what form will the future interoperability policy take and we want to do it collectively with your contributions. 

Take part in the creation of future policy  

The European Commission is currently evaluating the ISA² programme and the European Interoperability Framework and assessing its impact to propose a reinforced public sector interoperability policy in 2021. After publishing the related EIF and ISA² roadmaps for feedback, the next step is to pursue consultation activities.    

Together, the evaluations aim to provide timely input for shaping up a new strategy to enhance the interoperability of public services in the EU, considering the needs of different stakeholders as well as the role of emerging technologies. 

Interoperability has been a crucial part of tackling the unforeseen circumstances that last year has brought and therefore, I believe taking part in the consultation is of great importance. I count on your highly valuable contributions. 

Do you have experience with ISA² solutions and the EIF or suggestions for a new interoperability policy? Then please complete this online survey by 15 February! The survey contains three parts focused on ISA², the EIF, and the new interoperability policy, you can choose to complete one or more parts.

Monday, 25 January, 2021

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