European Parliament voted on its position on the Interoperable Europe Act!

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Published on: 19/07/2023 Last update: 07/02/2024

A memorable step has been made in the legislative process of the European Commission proposal for an Interoperable Act. With a very large majority, the European Parliament’s Committee on Industry, Research and Energy voted on its position on the Interoperable Europe Act proposal.  

With 63 MEPs in favour, 4 against, and 5 abstentions, the Parliament has given its approval to proceed with interinstitutional negotiations (trilogues) involving the Council of the European Union and the European Commission. 

In the explanatory statement of its rapporteur Ivars Ijabs (Renew Europe), the Parliament leaves no doubt that it is highly dedicated to have more interoperability of public services in the EU:  

“Raising the level of Interoperability is a mighty lever in reducing the costs to citizens in interacting with public administrations. It is also critical for reducing the costs of doing business in the EU. … Strengthening public sector interoperability also widens the opportunities for innovation, better planning ahead (e.g. in crisis situations) and improved technological sovereignty of the EU. … With this regulation we will be creating strong legal foundation for the next digital decade.” 

EU-Commissioner for Budget and Administration Johannes Hahn warmly welcomed today’s move of the European Parliament. “I am proud that the European Parliament gave the green light to start trilogues on the Interoperable Europe Act. I now call upon the Council of the EU to do the same. The Act will foster public sector interoperability and EU-cooperation. In addition, it will promote innovation and digital transformation.” 

Next steps 

With the vote of the European Parliament, it is up to the EU Council to make its position on the Commission Proposal clear as well, before trilogue-negotiations can begin. If a compromise is reached during the negotiations, the Interoperable Europe Act can become EU-law, to the benefit of EU citizens, businesses and public administrations.   

The European Parliament’s procedure file on the Interoperable Europe act can be consulted here

Interested to learn more? Click below to discover:   

The Interoperable Europe Act  

The Commission Communication  

Press Release  

Q & A 

The Impact assessment report   

Commission Staff Working Document: The European Interoperability Framework for Smart Cities and Communities (EIF4SCC)   

The Evaluation of the EIF  

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