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EU: IDABC Public eProcurement - Physical Database Model

Anonymous (not verified)
Published on: 10/11/2008 Last update: 04/05/2010 Document Archived

Description (short summary):
The current document is created as part of the technical document deliverables of the Interoperable Delivery of European eGovernment Services to public Administrations, Businesses and Citizens (IDABC) Public eProcurement project, and constitutes the technical description of the physical database model of the dynamic demonstrators. It presents the database schema, and describes in detail the function of each element, the relations between different elements, and where necessary, the reasoning behind specific design patterns. In short, it provides a full and clear explanation of the database model and reasoning, in a concise document. The document is divided into three main sections:

  • In the first section, a diagrammatic aspect of the database schema is presented, both as a whole, and as split into individual logical modules. The complete model presents the full layout of interconnections between the various database tables, but entails little information on the actual tables. It is meant to provide an overview of the complete database model, avoiding in-depth information for each, which is presented in subsequent sections. The function of each table is used to classify it in one of seven groups, thus segmenting the total schema into seven logical modules. Detailed diagrams of all modules are also provided in this section.
  • The second section presents an overview of the logical modules of the schema and the tables that each one entails. It contains a list of the modules and their corresponding tables, along with short descriptions for each table. The reader is presented with the overall architecture of the database, and the various logical modules, whereas high-level information is provided for the purpose that each table serves.
  • The third section constitutes the complete reference manual of the database. A subsection is dedicated to each and every table, and exhibits the exact number of columns, foreign keys and indexes of the table. Furthermore, the nature of each field and each foreign key is explained in detail. After going through this section, the reader can understand the exact structure of the database and how each table is constructed and interconnected with other database elements. This document follows a “top-down” analysis, in order to offer a comprehensive picture of the database architecture and clarify all subtle points of its design. In this way, both the high-level database design and in depth table structure is presented, allowing reader to better comprehend both the reasoning and the technical implementation of the physical database model created for the demonstrators.

Number of pages: 64

ISBN Number: N/A

Description of license: N/A

Nature of documentation: Manual (technical documentation)


Type of document