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OGP: Finland publishes the 100th National Action Plan

OGP: Finland publishes the 10…

Published on: 03/06/2015 News Archived

In May, the Open Government Partnership celebrated the publication of the 100th National Action Plan since the creation of the organization in 2011, with the publication by Finland of its second Action Plan.

In its plan, Finland has committed to making online services more consumer-friendly and is focused on youth participation in government and Open Data.

The OGP National Action Plan aims at committing "the government to a series of reforms that should address some of the biggest challenges the country is facing. These reforms should reflect the priorities of reformers in government and civil society, and should have a clear openness dimension", the OGP said.

Generally speaking, the National Action Plans analysed by OGP have reflected the prioritisation of public participation (303 commitments), open data (242), budget transparency (204), public service delivery (165) and access to information (132), the OGP writes on its blog. "Countries are required to publish a new action plan every two years and are independently assessed on the implementation of their commitments", the organisation added.

According to OGP, by the end of 2015, 20 OGP countries are expected to publish their National Action Plans. 24 countries are currently working with civil societies to create theirs. Lastly, "out of some 800 commitments assessed, 25% were starred commitments recognised for their ambition, relevance and completion".

New visualisation tool: OGP Explorer

OGP also introduced a new data visualisation tool called the OGP Explorer which makes it possible to browse and visualize all of the 2 000+ commitments - or only those assessed by the IRM (an independent panel of experts). Data can be sorted and classified, through a graph or a table view. "The core idea behind the OGP Explorer is to give the OGP community - civil society, academics, governments, journalists - easy access to the wealth of data that OGP has collected", OGP stated on its blog. Data can then be exported.