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German Interior Ministry seeks open source expertise

German Interior Ministry seek…

Published on: 12/08/2015 News Archived

Germany’s Minister of the Interior is looking for help with its partly Linux-based IT infrastructure. In July, the Bundesministerium des Innern (BMI) published a request for tender, seeking expertise in SUSE Linux Enterprise Server and prowess in the IT security monitoring using Nagios.

These two well-known open source solutions are part of a framework contract to integrate BMI’s Linux-based and proprietary software solutions. The contract will be awarded for two years. It can be extended to at most four years.

Deadline for submitting offers is on 27 August.

Both open source solutions are included in BMI’s Migrationsleitfaden (version 4, from 2012). The Migrationsleitfaden are a guideline for public administrations using or considering open source solutions. The document describes Suse Linux as “one of the leading Linux distributions used by enterprises”. Nagios is “the most common open source alternative” for IT security monitoring.


More information:

Procurement request by the Bundesministerium des Innern (BMI) (in German)
2012 OSOR news item
2008 OSOR news item