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License restrictions / "Codelist of specific licenses"

Anonymous (not verified)
Published on: 03/07/2016 Discussion Archived

An issue raised against DCAT-AP:

Not existing vocabularies:

15: Codelist of specific licenses, as compiled by

Raised in

There should not be any technical restrictions on the range of dct:license. The absence of such restrictions in DCAT-AP is a good thing. The range of dct:license is dct:LicenseDocument.

Licenses can and should be identified by a URL and not by other means. The proposed "GovData codelist of licenses" and the proposed OGD-property "lizenzID" use different means of identification which are not consistent with Linked Data principles.






Dietmar GATTWINKEL Mon, 04/07/2016 - 10:00

The reason behind the GovData Codelist of licences ist probably the whish to be able to provide the user with a measure of the "openness" oft the data.

What would be of more use is a machine-readable description of the licence, that structures the legal rights, obligations and prohibitions) such as that maintained by Frauenhofer at at This data feeds the licence assistant of the European Open Data Portal, which provides a description of the available licences and gives an overview of how to apply licences as re-publisher/distributor of Open Data and how to combine multiple licences.


Der Grund für die GovData Lizenzliste ist wahrscheinlich der Wunsch, dem Nutzer ein Maß für die "Offenheit" der Daten zu geben.

Hier wäre es nützlicher eine maschinenlesbare Beschreibung der Lizenz zu referenzieren, das die rechtlichen Rechte, Verpflichtungen und Verbote strukturiert, wie sie von Fraunhofer unter vorgehalten wird. Diese Daten füttern den Lizenz-Assistenten des Europäischen Datenportals, welcher eine Beschreibung der verfügbaren Lizenzen bereitstellt und einen Überblick darüber gibt, wie die Lizenzen von Weiterverwendern und -verbreitern anzuwenden und mehrere Lizenzen zu vereinen sind.

Christian Horn
Christian Horn Mon, 25/07/2016 - 10:11
Vielen Dank für Ihren Beitrag. Wir werden nun eine Weile brauchen um alle Hinweise zu prüfen und Ihnen dann hier im Portal eine Rückmeldung geben.   Thanks a lot for your input. We will now take some time to review all posted issues. Afterwards you will receive our feedback on this website.
Christian Horn
Christian Horn Thu, 27/07/2017 - 15:49

We now use to cover our requirements. In the “Konventionenhandbuch” (  we enforce a set of licenses. This must be used by referring to a closed list of URIs.

The URIs are defined in the URI concept ( , future design patterns for future licenses are addressed there. The creative commons 4.0 share alike by-clause licenses can be expressed respecting the range of dct:license refering to


To hold the additional needed property “attributionByText”, an attribute that is still missing in DCAT-AP ( ) to tell about the exact attribution in a by-clause, we added an additional dcatde:licenseAttributionByText field, meanwhile that we wait for a more global solution to this issue in W3C DCAT or in EU DCAT-AP.