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Diputación de Albacete
Regional authority

SEDIPUALB@ is a set of public shared services for a complete administrative management developed by digital tools.

Allow manage by digital tools the relation citizen-government, the digital expedient, digital notification, central state government shared services, digital archive and digital communication between governments.

Currently SEDIPUALB@ is used in 12 autonomous regions of Spain (covers more than five million inhabitants).
Manage more than 6000 concurrent users (local government employees) and is being used by more than 600 local government entities (Cities, Consortium, Universities, Association of Municipalities, etc.)

ll the services are served in cloud mode, and developed in Javascript  + .Net + PostgreSQL

One of the main features is the reuse the services that the central government share for us:

  • @FIRMA: Shared Service for digital sign of documents
  • @TS: Shared Service for timestamping
  • Notific@: Shared Service for manage digital notification for citizens and companies
  • CLAVE: Shared Service for manage several types of user authentication
  • Public Intermediate Service: Shared Service for allow access to the citizen information that other government save. The main goal is don't ask for the citizen the information that any government already save for them
  • Archive: Shared Service for a fully digital archive of administrative documents and expedients
  • INSIDE: Shared Service for create compatible electronic expedients (before send to Archive, for send to Justice, etc)
  • Public Contract Service: Shared Service for a uniform and transparent management of  the public contract (include digital tendering)
  • FACE: Shared Service for a uniform and transparent management of the government invoices 


One of the latest goals, is a new system for allow citizens that haven't digital certificate make digital signature using biometric devices. This way the document is digital signed and add to the digital expedient

Also is possible digital public tender according to the Public Contract Service

Principal features: 

- Available through a transparent cost sharing model for any public entity (sustainability)

- Software developed entirely by own staff (sustainability)

- Present in 12 autonomous regions of Spain (in continuous expansion)

- Manage of the government-citizen relation entirely by digital mechanism (digital certificate or biometric device)

- Automated collection of fees associated with files

- System based in web tools, in cloud mode and responsive web design

- Entire Management of the digital administrative expedients

- Real interoperability through b2b services ("once only")

- Entire integration with Transparency Portal

- Entire traceability for the actions developed by the users

- Reuse of the shared services provided by the state government 

- Multilanguage to allow the official languages

- Free open interfaces for external integrations (several private companies have integrated their software with us)


More information in 


Public Administration reference (Can get a updated list here


Detailed information

Last update
Solution type
Digital Service Infrastructure

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