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City of Rennes to tackle IT vendor lock-in

City of Rennes to tackle IT v…

Published on: 21/09/2017 News Archived

Rennes, France’s eleventh largest city, aims to get rid of IT vendor lock-in. To begin with, the city will switch to Zimbra, an open source-based collaboration and email solution. Next year, it will commence a feasibility study into other free and open source software applications, including office productivity tools.

Rennes Hotel de Ville - image by Neurdein, Étienne. Image is public domain marked

According to French press reports, by switching from a proprietary tool to Zimbra, the city avoids having to pay EUR 700,000 for renewal of proprietary licence fees. The city has earmarked EUR 200,000 to cover the exit costs and to tailor Zimbra to the needs of the administration.

The city is currently testing Zimbra, and plans to switch all 6,600 mailboxes next month, reports 20 Minutes.

The daily newspaper quotes city counciller Laurent Hamon as saying that Rennes is looking at similar switches by other public services, including the city of Nantes.

LibreOffice Now

Earlier this year, Nantes, France’s sixth largest city, made available LibreOffice Now, which helps migrations by contacting users with questions, and - depending on the replies - makes training recommendations, and schedules configuration and updates.

More information:

20 minutes news item (in French)
Zdnet news item (in French)
France Info news item (in French)