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Swiss Open Data Camp - Make.Opendata.Ch

Published on: 21/08/2012 Event Archived
Basel and Geneva
Both of our venues will be equipped for two days of top notch developing, visualizing and debating, providing space for about 50 people each. Infrastructure including fast Internet and catering will be taken care of.
Unternehmen Mitte
Gerbergasse 30
4001 Basel
University of Art and Design – Geneva (HEAD)
Boulevard James-Fazy 15
1204 Genève

Switzerland's next Open Data Camp brings together thinkers and makers around the topic of Open Health Data. Register now and help accelerate openness, innovation and efficiency in health services!

The first four Open Data Camps in Zürich, Lausanne, Geneva, and Bern were a marked success: dozens of pioneer projects were initiated and implemented. The next one is aimed at the topic of Health, one close to everyone's heart.
Good health is ever more a question of good data, with health services in the middle of an information revolution, vital information will become more understandable - not necessarily more complex - as the data becomes accessible. The ways in which “Open Health Data” can bring transparency, innovation and efficiency into the health system, what Open Data can mean for a “Life Science Hub” like Basel or Geneva: we will look into these questions and more together at the hackday at the end of September.
Expected Participants:

We are convinced that the thematic focus will strengthen the community of designers, developers, activists and journalists and foster innovation around making health more efficient and more transparent through open data apps.

To participate in this camp everyone is qualified, who has got interest in the topic of mobility as a customer, maybe even has got some specific expertise in the field of transportation etc., experience with and/or interest in data visualization or would like to contribute with his developer-skills to amazing ideas and projects.

Together thinkers and doers get things done and make a difference. Your ideas and your competence are in high demand to shape to future of how we deal with data in this country, so if you too feel it's time to make a difference sign up as:

Ideators Designers Developers
- people who want to change things in their community 
- subject matter experts who have data and want to collaborate/share it 
- public officials who want to help further open access for eGovernment
- find out about evolving information visualization discipline 
- an opportunity to build skills and work with interactive graphics 
- help publicise and spread the message of open access
- learn tools and techniques for accessing public data sources 
- collaborate with designers and innovators on exciting applications 
- help build an outstanding platform for connecting interest across CH


Physical location
Basel and Geneva
Both of our venues will be equipped for two days of top notch developing, visualizing and debating, providing space for about 50 people each. Infrastructure including fast Internet and catering will be taken care of.
Unternehmen Mitte
Gerbergasse 30
4001 Basel
University of Art and Design – Geneva (HEAD)
Boulevard James-Fazy 15
1204 Genève