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EUPL provides crucial building block to successful IoT project

Use of the EUPL in FIESTA-IoT

Anonymous (not verified)
Published on: 07/03/2019 Last update: 14/11/2019 News Archived

The FIESTA-IoT Project, has been working to deliver the Experimentation-as-a-Service (EaaS) paradigm, the action of sharing and reusing data between multiple Internet of Things (IoT)-enabled testbed infrastructures for experimental purposes. The FIESTA-IoT has used the European Union Public License (EUPL) to realise the objective of having a fully open source-based project. A recent interview with Dr. Martin Orozco Serrano from the National University of Ireland explains how the paradigm helps develop IoT applications.

Dr. Martin Orozco Serrano further reveals how the EUPL was used in the project to provide a free open source software (FOSS) licencing model compatible with the other licences that were used in the project, such as the General Public License (GPL). The use of the EUPL made it possible for all derivatives to be integrated under one single license. By making this a fully open source software-based project, compatible with GPL, the use of the EUPL ensured the compatibility of existing and new components of the project.

He went on to recommend the use of the EUPL in similar research projects, highlighting the benefits of the EUPL in promoting the Open Source movement’s philosophy and community. You may read more about this project and interview here.

FIESTA-IoT project


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Last update: 28/05/2024

EUPL - the free/open source software licence of the European Union

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