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Chamilo Guides for users of Chamilo

The links below provide access to user guides for Chamilo in French related to version 1.11 of Chamilo. They offer an excellent first approach to the training management platform, Chamilo. Given the rapid pace of improvements in Chamilo, and although they are updated frequently, these user guides cannot be considered representative of the full range of the platform's capabilities.

It is strongly recommended that you connect with the user community through the Chamilo Association forum or the main publisher of Chamilo LMS (BeezNest) for the latest information on improvements made to Chamilo LMS that may not be included in this version of the Chamilo user guides.

The vast majority of users will have no need to use the Chamilo user guides.

Teachers and trainers will be particularly interested in the Teacher Guide, but it is likely that only a small portion of the guide will be useful to them. Indeed, the Teacher Guide covers many aspects of using Chamilo that a teacher/trainer may not always find necessary.

Administrators, or teachers looking to learn more, will find in the Administrator Guide an incomparable source of tips and tricks and a reference to have everything at hand.

System administrators and developers will have to make do with the Developer Guide in English, as there is currently no translation of this particular guide into French.