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Emerging Technologies in European Public Services: Insights and Innovations Unveiled at SEMIC 2024

SEMIC 2024: Innovating Public Sector with Emerging Tech

Published on: 25/07/2024 News

On June 27, 2024, experts, policymakers, and innovators convened at the SQUARE Brussels Meeting Centre for the “Innovation in Public Services” session during the SEMIC 2024 Conference. The workshop explored the transformative potential of emerging technologies like AI and blockchain in enhancing public services and interoperability. 

The event kicked off with an introduction by Stefanos Kotoglou from the European Commission’s DG DIGIT, who underscored the importance of the Public Sector Tech Watch (PSTW) in monitoring and promoting technological innovations across EU public administrations. Following this, Paula Rodriguez Müller from the Joint Research Centre provided a sneak peek into the forthcoming PSTW report. Her presentation highlighted an increase in the adoption of emerging technologies, particularly focusing on the integration of Generative AI and Virtual Reality within public services. 

As the panel discussion unfolded, moderated by Stefanos Kotoglou and Paula Rodriguez Müller, each speaker provided their unique perspective on how emerging technologies could transform government operations and enhance public services.

Key Panellist Contributions

  • Ibon Arechalde, CEO @ ASIMOB, emphasised the challenges that startups face to access the public sector market, together with the need for data collection standards to ensure interoperability.
  • Lucia Velasco, Office of the Secretary General’s Envoy on Technology @ United Nations, focused on the risks associated with the rapid adoption of new technologies, advocating for robust governance frameworks to mitigate potential negative impacts.
  • Florian Hauser, Deputy Head of Unit ‘Public Administration and Governance’ @ DG REFORM, discussed the European Commission’s role in facilitating digital transformation, emphasising the support structures available to member states.
  • André Lapa, Head of Digital Service Delivery & Content @ Agência para a Modernização Administrativa (AMA), shared insights on the scalability of technological solutions within national administrations, stressing the importance of accessibility and public data availability.
  • Jet Klaver, Program Manager and Innovation supervisor @ Digicampus, talked about the importance of designing technology solutions that are inherently scalable and adaptable across various public administration contexts.
  • Ivy Yang, EU AI/Digital Policy Specialist @ Open & Agile Smart Cities (OASC), highlighted the need for clarity and simplicity in problem identification and solution design to ensure successful technology implementation.

The workshop concluded with an overview of the upcoming “Best Cases Award,” inviting attendees to participate by submitting their projects that exemplify successful integration of technology in public services. This award aims to spotlight pioneering initiatives and share best practices across the EU.

This session not only provided a forum for discussing current trends and challenges but also highlighted the proactive steps being taken by the EU to foster a digitally inclusive and interoperable public sector. As emerging technologies continue to evolve, such platforms are vital for ensuring they are harnessed effectively to benefit public services throughout Europe.

Slides from this webinar, as well as the recording are available down below.
