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Webinar: The Test Bed in support of electronic procurement

Anonymous (not verified)
Published on: 16/05/2017 Last update: 03/05/2021 Event Archived

The ISA² Programme of the European Commission is hosting a webinar to present the Interoperability test Bed (ITB) focusing on its role in supporting the standardisation effort in the domain of electronic procurement. The ITB is a platform providing reusable testing facilities to initiatives and public administrations that create interoperability solutions in a cross-border context or linked to European Legislation.

In this webinar you will be able to find out what the ITB is, get information on its latest related developments, and receive first-hand accounts from the testing community on how it is being used to support conformance testing for electronic invoicing (eInvoicing) syntaxes and electronic tendering (eTendering) processes.


When: Monday 29 May 2017 at 15:00 (Europe/Brussels time)

For who: This is a free webinar, anyone interested in conformance and interoperability testing is welcome to join.

How to join: The webinar will be held online using WebEx. 


The webinar is organised in the context of the ISA² action 2016.25. For further information, please contact Susanne Wigard, or via e-mail at mentioning “ISA test bed”.

Expected Participants:


State: Completed



The following table presents the agenda for the webinar:


Dr. Susanne Wigard

ISA² Programme Manager – Action 2016.25 Interoperability Test Bed

Welcome message and introduction to the webinar.


Costas Simatos

Senior Solution Architect – Action 2016.25 Interoperability Test Bed

Introduction to ISA²’s Interoperability Test Bed service to inform on what it is and how it can be used, highlighting recent developments to facilitate conformance and interoperability testing. This will include a brief demo to walk through a simple use case and showcase new features.

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Caroline Corneau

Project Officer for CEF eInvoicing building block, DIGIT

Electronic invoicing standardisation efforts through the work of CEN’s TC434 and the support of resulting syntaxes as part of the eInvoicing building block of the Commission’s Connecting Europe Facility (CEF). What are the conformance testing needs and how is the ITB used to realise them?

[Download presentation]


Marc-Christopher Schmidt

Business Manager of ESPD, DG GROW

Standardisation work in producing the European Single Procurement Document (ESPD) to facilitate and streamline public procurement procedures. What is the current status and how were the ITB’s validation services used to implement conformance testing for the ESPD syntax?

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Chander Khoenkhoen

Functional analyst for the Dutch eTendering system TenderNed and for eSENS eTendering

Work towards achieving interoperability in electronic tendering processes, by piloting under the eSENS project (workgroup 5.1.1). What is the status of the work and how has the ITB been used up to now to facilitate conformance testing for participants?

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Last update: 28/02/2024

Interoperability Test Bed Repository

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