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Member for: 3 years

Angel Madzharov

Test Business Title

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Test organization


Business and competition
Last update: 13/02/2024

ENDORSE exchange platform

LegalStandardisation+5 topics
Last update: 13/02/2024

Mutual Learning Platform on Data Protection and Ethics in ICT Research and Innovation

LegalICT+2 topics
Last update: 13/02/2024

European Rapid Alert system for dangerous products (RAPEX)

LegalICT securityEuropean Policies
Last update: 13/02/2024

Catalogue of Services

Last update: 13/02/2024

Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) for the digital transformation

StandardisationeGovernment+3 topics
Last update: 13/02/2024

Open data

Content and knowledge management
Last update: 21/04/2020

CEF eArchiving

Open Source Software
Last update: 07/06/2024

Open Source Observatory (OSOR)

Open Source Software