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Access to Base Registries webinar April 2022

Published on: 15/03/2022 Last update: 25/04/2022 Event Archived

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The ABR team is pleased to invite you to the upcoming webinar with a focus on ‘Exchange of good practices in Member States’ that will take place on 28 April 2022 between 14:00 to 15:30 am CEST.  Detailed agenda available below. 




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  • Welcoming words
  • Presentations from Member States


Ana Rosa Guzmán Carbonell, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation Sub-directorate General of Planning and Governance for Digital Administration
Plan on improving Data Intermediation Platform, a data broker between competent authorities, and developing a data-driven public administration from a multidimensional point of view.


Karolis ZakarevičiusMinistry of the Economy and Innovation

Lithuanian state information resources (registers and information systems), management and access to data and the planned perspective for the next period.


Kuldar Aas, Data Governance Programme Lead, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communication


Presentation on Estonian Registry of Registries concept, needs and principles; Current initiatives and plans for the future. 

Czech Republic 

Tomas Sedivec, Head of the Public Administration Information Systems Architecture Unit, Department of the Chief eGovernment Architect, Ministry of the Interior of the Czech Republic

The close view in the national base registries of Czechia as part of the interconnected data pool. 


Rita Laranjeira, Administrative Modernisation Agency (AMA)

Portuguese interoperability platform & good practices.

  • Future of Access to Base Registries action
Peter Burian, Directorate-General for Informatics, European Commission  
  • Closing words


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