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Webinar: ABR - Specification for a Registry of Registries

Published on: 19/03/2019 Last update: 03/04/2019 Event Archived

The Access to Base Registries team is pleased to invite you to the Webinar on Specification for a Registry of Registries organised under ISA² Programme of the European Commission’s DG DIGIT on 8 April 2019 from 10:00 to 11:30h CEST. 

The Access to Base Registries (ABR) Action aims to provide both national and cross-border access to the base registries of data held by EU countries, by defining a common framework that makes this possible. In this phase of the ABR Action, the goal is to finalise the framework for Base Registry Access and Interconnection, and  to create an application profile of Data Catalogue Vocabulary (DCAT) for ABR.

This Webinar will be the opportunity to share the expectations and discuss the following topics:

  • Best practices and challenges on the creation of registries of registries
  • Registry of registries specification / Data Model
  • What’s next

The event is of particular interest for ISA² Committee Members and their representatives, EU policy makers, eGovernment representatives, semantic experts and other service providers that incorporate information from base registries in their public services.

If you are interested to participate, please visit the registration page.


The materials for webinar are available here:

Specification for Registry of Registries:

The document is an early draft based on Data Catalogue vocabulary (DCAT) Application profile for describing public sector datasets in Europe, and its basic use case is to enable cross-border interoperability between base registries, defining a semantic model to describe base registries and their contents.

Plan for Registry of Registries:

An early draft version of the document aims to propose specification and activities for creation of European Registry of Registries in the future. 

We aim to discuss this specification in the core part of the webinar, namely 'Registry of registries specification/ Data Model', and your active participation with questions and suggestions is welcomed. 


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Meeting password: tidDbBXU 

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