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Access to Base Registries Webinar

Access to Base Registries Web…

Published on: 26/04/2017 Last update: 04/10/2017 News Archived

Dear Members of the ABR Community,

We would like to invite you for a 2 hour webinar on April 27 2017 at 10:30, on the ISA² action “Access to Base Registries”.

The objectives of the webinar are:

  • Update on the status of the deliverables developed until the present date, and
  • Start the discussion for the creation of an initial “Framework for Base Registries Access”
  • Analyse the action’s “way forward” and debate on services that the ISA² Program could offer to the Member States based on their needs
  • Explore potential collaboration between Member States in regard to Base Registries at national and cross-border levels

This event is of particular interest to ISA² Committee Members, EU policy makers, eGovernment representatives and other service providers that incorporate information from base registries in their public services.

Participants to this webinar will learn about:

  • Good Practices on building successful interconnections of Base Registries;
  • Guidelines on Building Successful Interconnections of Base Registries;
  • a Catalogue of Reusable Solutions for a Base Registry Interconnection;
  • the state-of-affairs of Base Registries interconnection described in Factsheets;
  • the initial ideas regarding the Framework for Base Registries Access.

You can join the webinar at the following link:

Meeting number: 849 209 289

For more information or to confirm your attendance, please reply to the following e-mail:

Please do not hesitate to invite all those you think would be interested in participating to this event.

Kind regards,

The ABR Project Team