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ABR Working Group Meeting - 13 June 2019

Save the date - WG - June 2019

Published on: 10/06/2019 Last update: 02/07/2019 News

All the members of this working group, as well as any interested individual, are invited to join the virtual meeting on the ‘ABR – second draft of Specification for Registry of Registries’ that will be held on

13th of June 11.00 - 12.30 CEST 



  • Introduction
  • Open issues and second draft of the specification of registry of registries
  • Next steps
  • AOB

Open Issues for discussion:

  • [Issue #01] Content of a Base Registry
  • [Issue #02] property 'isAuthoritative' for datasets
  • [Issue #03] Description of a Registry Service
  • [Issue #04] Subject of Datasets
  • [Issue #05] Content of Datasets (DataElement)
  • [Issue #06] Quality of Datasets
  • [Issue #07] Legal Basis of the Services, Registries and Resources?



We are warmly inviting you to read the updated document that you can find on Joinup page ABR – Specification of a Registry of Registries. The main update is the alignment with the DCAT-2 model to describe Resource/Catalog/Dataset/DataService(s). Please share your comments directly on Joinup under issues and discussions, or send them to our email address:


Connection details:

Please join the meeting using one of the options:

Join WebEx meeting   
Meeting number (access code): 843 856 547 
Meeting password: 9FS4vJuA  
Join from a video system or application
You can also dial and enter your meeting number.   
Join by phone  
+32 2894 8317 Belgium toll  
+30-21-1198-1029 Greece Toll  
Global call-in numbers  

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Last update: 26/05/2021

Access to Base Registries

Open Source SoftwareStandardisation+2 topics


ABR Project Team Tue, 18/06/2019 - 10:45



Introductions around the table. All members introduced themselves. 

The 1.5h meeting had about thirty participants (some people joined the call by the same connection). Representatives from the EU Member States, the EC, and semantic experts.


Discussion on the open issues:

Issue #1: Content of a Base Registry: Datasets, Data Services, other resources?

  • Discussion about the need to describe datasets (as an envelope) and the information they hold (content). 
  • Consensus on the usage of DCAT2 proposal based on Resources -> Datasets/DataServices
  • The proposal of using DataElement is complementary so it is kept in mind. The only thing we need to do is linking DCAT2 with Bart’s proposal.
  • Marco mentioned SDMX and how the Data Cube Vocabulary deals with the description of data content.

Issue #2: property 'isAuthoritative' for datasets

  • Definitely, this property is interesting for all the working group members. 
  • isAuthoritative (boolean) property 

Issue #3: Description of a Registry Service

  • A 'Registry Service’ is just a ‘Public Service’ (from CPSV)
  • HasCompetentAuthority must have 1..n of cardinality.

Issue #4: Subject of Datasets

  • Presented the Thematic NAL for datasets -> Useful to be aligned with the European Data Portal and others
  • Consensus on using Eurovoc at any level to describe the dataset content.

Issue #5: Content of Datasets (DataElement)

  • Marco mentioned that we should consider the name of the Class, ‘Data Element’ has a different meaning in existing standards.

Issue #6: Quality of Datasets

  • Interest in quality of data. 
  • No specific requirements yet. 

Issue #7: Legal Basis of the Services, Registries and Resources?

  • Commented that the existing model is based on the CPSV and ELI. 
  • Nothing re-invented. We keep this model since we look for use cases.
  • Ana Rosa mentioned they would use these legal references, but up to date, the information is just in natural text.


Next steps:

  • Proposed another light meeting around 11th July. No objections.
  • Meeting proposal to be sent