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Re3gistry software at the 2022 Google Summer of Code!

Call to developers to take part in GSoC 2022

Published on: 08/04/2022 News Archived

 GSoC 2022
Call to developers: take the opportunity to take part in the open-source community of the Re3gistry software!

We are looking for engaged developers to enhance the Re3gistry software during the Google Summer of code 2022!

The Re3gistry software helps manage and share 'reference codes' through persistent URIs, ensuring concepts are correctly referenced in any domain while keeping track of all the changes.

This year for the first time, in collaboration with OSGeo, a well established open-source geospatial community, the Re3gistry is part of the Google Summer of Code 2022 program as a guest project, where you could be elected to participate as a contributor.

You only need to be older than 18 years and be willing to work during the summer as a developer.

If you are interested, check out the Re3gistry software proposal and complete the code test under "Test of skills".

Re3gistry proposal

By joining us you will have be supporting an European open-source project that aims fostering semantic interoperability across organisations.

If you have any questions, subscribe to the OSGeo mailing list and let us know!

We are looking forward to have you in our team!

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