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European Commission - DIGIT
Supra-national authority
Contact information

Dear DSS and Trusted List Manager users,

Please be informed that all tools related to the eSignature Building Block will from now on be located on the CEF Digital Single Web Portal, under the section dedicated to eSignature.

This new platform aims to centralize everything related to the eSignature Building Block.

This move includes eSignature's releases that you used to find on Joinup (Digital Signature Services (DSS) and Trusted List Manager (TLM)), and the projects that you used to find on JIRA (DSS and TLM).

The current Joinup pages will be dismissed.

The current JIRA projects will be closed, but still be accessible: From 14 November, it will not be possible to create NEW issues on them, but existing issues will still be available. Thus, you can continue to interact with the support team on existing issues by commenting and modifying them.

The releases can be found here:

- DSS -

- TLM -

Regarding DSS, the repositories are:

- Bitbucket :

- Nexus:

The new JIRA projects can be found here:

- DSS -

- TLM -

For accessing these pages, you will need an EU Login (previously known as 'ECAS') account. Should you not have such an account, you can easily create one at the login page (i.e. using the "login" button on the top-right of the JIRA project page).

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to let us know.

We are happy to help if you have any difficulties.   Thank you and best regards,

The eSignature team


The Directive (2006/123/EC) on services in the internal market, via its Article 8, obliges Member States to make sure that service providers (businesses) can complete the procedures and formalities that are necessary to start or carry out their activities with Member States\' administrations via Points of Single Contact and by electronic means, including across borders. Completion of procedures may involve the use of e-signatures. In order to facilitate the cross-border use and validation of advanced e-signatures the Commission had adopted a couple of measures, which include Decision 2011/130/EU which applies to cases where businesses may have to submit to competent authorities documents that have been issued and signed electronically by competent authorities in another MS. The Decision defines some most commonly used e-signature formats that all MS will have to be able to process technically when receiving an electronically signed document from another MS. In order to assist Member States with the implementation of the Decision, the Commission has commissioned open source software (in addition to the one for TL edition/maintenance) that could be used by MS at national level. Even if the legal obligation in the Decision concentrates on the receiving side and validation of a signed document, the software is both for the creation and validation of e-signatures in order to provide support also for those Member States who may lack signature creation tools as well. Finally, the software relies in its validation component on the information in MS trusted lists created in accordance with Commission Decision 2009/767/EC, as amended by Decision 2010/425/EU.

Even if developed in the context of the Services Directive, the software can be used more widely, whenever there is a need to create or validate an e-signature.

DSS is now provided under the CEF programme (more info :

Information on the latest release, including source code, release note and support, can be found at:

Detailed information

Last updated


Open collection