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Roadmap 2016

An indicative timeline is provided below, with planned deliveries for each milestone. Please note that the content of this roadmap is draft and subject to adjustments.

(Nota: The last delivery of 2015 is kept in this roadmap, for referencing the supported standards.)


October 2015: Implementing Acts Art. 27 & 37 (eSig formats)

The main purpose of this milestone is to align DSS on the Implementing Acts of Art. 27, 37 of eIDAS published in September 2015.

Please note that, as these Implementing Acts published in September 2015 will first designate the “former standards” (baseline profiles ETSI TS 103 171, 103 172, 103 173, and 103 174) and not the upcoming ETSI EN 319 1x2, it was decided to rename this release as DSS 4.6 and not DSS 5.0. The major version DSS 5.0 will be used when these Implementing Acts will be modified in 2016 to point to ETSI EN 319 1x2.


DSS 4.6

Based on standards:

  • Signature formats when creating a signature: baseline profiles ETSI TS 103 171, 103 172, 103 173, and 103 174
  • Signature formats when validating a signature: baseline profiles, and core specs ETSI TS 101 903, 101 733, 102 778 and 102 918
  • Signature validation process ETSI TS 102 853

Improvements in packaging and core functionalities:

  • CAdES optimisation, CAdES multiple Signer Information. A CAdES PlugTest is occurring in June and July 2015. Changes resulting from this PlugTest will be included in this release. CAdES countersignature will not be supported.
  • Impacts from XAdES PlugTest of October 2015
  • Processing of large files
  • Further refactoring of demo applet (size, validation policy editor)
  • SOAP and REST Web Services
  • Standalone demo application


June 2016: IA Art. 22.5 (TL) and ETSI EN 319 1x2 (new eSig EN)

The main purpose of this milestone is to align with eIDAS.


TL Manager 5.0

Impacts of eIDAS:

  • Trusted List ETSI TS 119 612 v2.1.1 and Implementing Act Art. 22.5

New features:

  • Improvements to the TL notification (e.g. electronic form)
  • TL Browsing
  • Integration of ETSI TL Pretty print


DSS 4.7

After XAdES PlugTest of October 2015, remaining changes resulting from this PlugTest and not included in v4.6 are included in this release.

After eSignature Validation PlugTest of April 2016, impacts from this PlugTest are included in this release (the release of DSS 4.7 has been postponed for that purpose).

Other potential improvements and features:

  • Extension of signature validation policy support
  • CAdES attribute certificates
  • CRL in multiple parts
  • Distributed timestamps method

Impacts of revised Implementing Acts and new ETSI EN:

  • Signature formats ETSI TS 319 1x2 (Implementing Acts Art. 27 & 37)
  • Trusted List ETSI TS 119 612 v2.1.1 (Implementing Act Art. 22.5)
  • Signature validation process ETSI TS 319 102

As for signature formats and validation process, DSS 4.7 supports both old and new standards. In creation, DSS 4.7 still generates according to old standards. DSS 5.0 will switch for both creation and validation.



September 2016: CEF eSig Portal

The main purpose of this milestone is the delivery of a first version of the CEF eSig portal to improve the visibility of DSS, and facilitate the work of implementers.

Other improvements:

  • Refinement of the validation report structure, as a potential contribution to the future ETSI EN 319 102-2. This activity focuses on specifications. Implementation in DSS will be considered after ETSI EN 319 102-2.
  • Extension of DSS validation policy configuration
  • DSS demonstrations


DSS 5.0

  • Signature formats ETSI TS 319 1x2 (Implementing Acts Art. 27 & 37) support for both creation and validation


TL Manager 5.1                          

New features are implemented in TL Manager, such as:

  • Integration as a helper for Trust Mark pointer to TL
  • Integration of ETSI TL conformance checks (TLCC)
  • TL Monitoring


CEF eSig portal

This portal consolidates multiple sources of info for implementers and integrators, as a single point of contact. The actual resources can be hosted on other platforms and pointed to with hyperlinks.

In this release, a first version of the portal is delivered:

  • Static content (documentation, presentations)
  • Community tools (JIRA, Wiki, Forum)
  • Centralization of existing developer resources

More functionalities will be added later on, such as:

  • Developers resources such as testing materials, demo SCA / SVA, demo certificate testing, demo Web Service
  • A second set of demonstrations regarding mobile signing / server signing configurations.