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Learn about Digital Twins and Urban Logistics in our new e-course!

Course on Digital Twins & Urban Logistics

Published on: 10/03/2023 News

As it draws closer to its conclusion, the LEAD project is launching a Massive Open Online Course to share its main findings on Digital Twin’s potential to respond to the severe strain put on last-mile delivery systems by on-demand logistics.

LEAD is launching its shiny new Massive Open Online Course, open to all interested, with the goal of “Unlocking the potential of Digital Twins for sustainable on-demand urban logistics”.

It builds upon the results of the project’s Living Labs to deliver a Digital Twinning Capacity Building Programme, with a first-of-its-kind focus on urban logistics, to improve the capabilities and skills of personnel of authorities and researchers on open-source tools and modelling for Digital Twins. The course will also provide a general introduction to urban freight, with a focus on on-demand and last-mile logistics.

It is split into five different units spread out, over the course of a couple of months, with a break planned between Units 1-2 and Units 3-5. Students will have to complete all units to achieve course certification.

You can access the programme for Units 1 and 2 here.


Sign up to the e-course here. The e-course is free of charge and will be hosted on the Mobility Academy platform. You can find instructions on how to register here

In case of any questions, do not hesitate to contact Claudia Ribeiro or Raffaele Vergnani.