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Government 3.0 Consortium
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Government 3.0 Consortium

The Gov3.0 project consortium is proud to announce the launch of the Massive Open Online Course on the Basics of Digital Government Transformation. 32 modules are available from e-government 1.0 to e-government 3.0 backed up with legal, ethics and entrepreneurship modules.

Every participant is welcome to enrol for free obtaining a certificate of 2 ECTS in Digital Government and Transformation. Furthermore, each participant could be enrolled in specific modules ("à volonté" mode) not being obligated to fulfil the whole course.

The MOOC will cover all three generations of digital government evolution from the basics of information systems (IS), through Government 1.0 (digital transformation foundations and interoperability) and Government 2.0 (collaborative government) to Government 3.0 (disruptive technologies in data-driven policy making and public service).

More information about the course could be found here.


Gov3.0 project has received funding from the Erasmus+ Knowledge Alliance, Project Reference No. 588306-EPP-1-2017-1-EL-EPPKA2-KA.

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Solution type
Interoperable European Solution,
Public Administration,
Exchange of Business Information


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