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Created by the Interoperable Europe Academy, the course provides a solid understanding about licensing and the added-value provided by the Joinup Licensing Assistant. Reusable course. Also available on EU Academy. It is an EC solution.
The European Commission's Directorate-General for Informatics (DIGIT)
Supra-national authority
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The course explains how to make the most of the licence comparison tool.

If you have a learning management system, you can also reuse the course material.


The vision of the Interoperability Academy is to offer high-quality courses and promote reuse of resources. Hence, most of the produced materials will be available here free of charge, so all interested parties can download them and include them to their eLearning platforms. 

Each Interoperability Academy course consists of a SCORM or Moodle package, a PDF description of the content and the official logo.

Should you require any additional information about the courses, please do not hesitate to contact us via IOP-Academy(at)

No.Course packageCourse descriptionCourse logo
1.JLA SCORM packageJLA Course descriptionJLA Logo

Please inform us when the course is available on your platform and enjoy the learning!

Of course, if you do not have your eLearning platform we encourage you to follow all Interoperable Europe Academy courses here

Last update: 07/03/2022

Joinup Licensing Assistant Online Course v1.00

Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC-BY-4.0)

Detailed information

Published on
Last update
Solution type
Digital Solution,
Interoperable European Solution,
Shared Legal Content,
Technical Agreement

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