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MOA-SPSS 3.2.1 Switch to the latest release

Published on: 03/05/2023

Since MOA-SPSS 3.1.x most of the underlying signature verification libraries were exchanged to support form validation of CAdES, XAdES, PAdES and ASiC signatures with MOA-SPSS. The certificate store format is different from version 3.0.0 onwards, but is automatically converted to the new format. In case of a failed update, administrators should create a backup of the currently used certificate store.

Changes from 3.2.0 to 3.2.1:
  - Added specific handling of short-term certificates
  - Bugfixes
    - Possible infinity loop when parsing PDF files (see [PDFBOX-4623])
    - Loading CRL retention interval from configuration    
    - Incomplete recognition of LT signature formats
  - Third-party lib's updated

Release package:

    "": SHA256 checksum: c546cf9f0c8e0bfedf9c1e2c7f9c0880bd48df4083e18fc5230b38d4d254c0f9
    "": SHA256 checksum: 3965e47860618852d5e2e9ef6857ee81c353c1b05db9c36c17cb87cdb9322330
    "": SHA256 checksum: 12a4ca8b62033de27da7b91bb36fe800436b129deabba42c80a524667287b7f7


Last update: 03/05/2023

MOA-SPSS Library 3.2.1

European Union Public Licence, Version 1.2 or later (EUPL)
Last update: 03/05/2023

MOA-SPSS WebService 3.2.1

European Union Public Licence, Version 1.2 or later (EUPL)