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Competition authorities first to implement DMS services

Competition authorities first…

Published on: 24/01/2017 News Archived

Connect existing document management systems used by EU anti-trust investigators

The European Competition Network (ECN) is the first trans-European forum implementing the European Commission’s Document Repository Services, a collection of web-services to connect existing document management solutions. Using these web-services makes it easier for competition authorities to securely exchange documents.

Participants to the Ninth Sofia Competition Forum 11 November 2016

In the ECN, the European Commission and the competition authorities in the EU Member States cooperate to counter companies that engage in cross-border practices restricting competition. They use the network to keep each other up to date, pool their experiences, and share best practices. The ECN is also used to investigate company mergers.

The ECN is facilated by the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Competition. The competition network’s implementation of the Document Repository Services (DRS) is managed by the EC’s Directorate-General for Informatics (DIGIT).

The DRS are published as open source software using the European Union’s open source software licence EUPL, and are available on Joinup. The software provides connectors for most commonly-used document management systems, and includes scripts to create a database to implement the connecting web services.

The software is developed by the European Commission’s ISA² Programme. The ISA² programme supports the development of digital solutions that enable public administrations, businesses and citizens in Europe to benefit from interoperable cross-border and cross-sector public services.

More information:

Document Repository Services
ISA action 2.9: ‘Towards the full digitisation of EU document exchange’