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Best Practice 30

Best Practice 30 - Location Intelligence for ground works – KLIP platform
Country: Belgium
Policy domain: Utilities
Level of government: National
Process owners: Informatie Vlaanderen
Short description: KLIP (Kabel en Leidinginformatieportaal) aims to reduce excavation damage by exchanging cable and pipe information in advance of commencing works. The KLIP platform supports information exchange about underground assets (localisation, colour, type,…) in a specific zone. Users who plan works in a specific zone request a map of the underground. KLIP determines which network operators are possibly involved and sends the request to those parties. All network operators have to deliver their data according to the IMKL-model to KLIP. The users get one map with all the relevant data about underground utility assets and plans for works. This map can be viewed online in the KLIP portal in the KLIP app for Android, iOS and Windows. Users can access the IMKL-data as well (to convert the data and import them into their own systems). The IMKL data model is based on the INSPIRE data model for utility and governmental services. The INSPIRE model has been extended to  add more information to identify the cables and pipes in the field.

Recommendations: Digital Government Integration (6, 7); Standardisation and Reuse (12, 13); Governance, Partnerships and Capabilities (18)


Nature of documentation: Technical report