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Best Practice 70

Best Practice 70 - IGNfab
Country: France
Policy domain: Geospatial, Business innovation support
Level of government: National
Process owners: National Geographic Institute (IGN)

Short description: IGNfab, the geoservices project accelerator set up by IGN, aims to help SMEs and start-ups to develop innovative products and services using the description of the territory and geolocation in the environmental sector, land use planning, town planning, agriculture, forestry, energy, transport, defence and security, education, health, tourism, culture, and so on. Throughout its six seasons, IGNfab has supported companies with a wide range of IGN data and resources.

Support through INGfab lasts one year, during which IGNfab advises and helps the participants in the programme in the development of their project, providing technical expertise and access to its developers, as well as ad hoc training according to their needs. Being the winner of an IGNfab call for projects also means having access to IGN data, development platforms and specific materials, in a dedicated space of 200m².

Finally, participants benefit from access to the institutional and commercial network of IGN, which is made up of business partners and innovation support structures (competitiveness clusters, network of incubators, etc.).

Recommendations: Digital Government Integration (7); Return on Investment (16)



Version: EULF Blueprint v5.1