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Best Practice 83

Best Practice 83 - Strategy for Responsible Development
Country: Poland
Policy domain: Social, economic, regional and spatial development
Level of government: National
Process owners: Ministry of Funds and Regional Policy

Short description: The Strategy for Responsible Development (SRD) defines the basic conditions, goals and directions of the country's development in the social, economic, regional and spatial dimensions for the period from 2020 and 2030. Its main objective is "creating conditions for the growth of incomes of Polish residents while increasing cohesion in the social, economic, environmental and territorial dimensions".

The adoption of the SRD was preceded by far-reaching public consultations with citizens, representatives of different communities, non-governmental and industrial organisations and government bodies. It is an applicable and key document in the field of medium and long-term economic policy, as it constitutes the basis for the development and operationalisation of the so called “Morawiecki Plan”, which in response to the challenges faced by the Polish economy, defines a new vision and the country’s development model.

The strategy sets the objective to build an integrated development planning system, where the spatial dimension is integrated with the social and economic dimensions. Activities essential for the efficiency of spatial planning are included to support various dimensions of the strategy, e.g. the adoption of the Urbanisation and Construction Code and the preservation and extension of the cultural and environmental heritage.

Recommendations: Digital Government Integration (8); Return on Investment (16); Governance, Partnerships and Capabilities (17)



Version: EULF Blueprint v5.1