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iTalks: Session 1: Data Literacy for European Public Administrations

Published on: 17/05/2023 Last update: 25/05/2023 Event

In this first session of our iTalks Series on data literacy in the public sector, we will learn more about data literacy initiatives for European Public Administrations. We will receive: 

  • Vitis FAURE TILGAARD, Policy Officer from DG CNECT, who will tell us more about the Digital Decade and the need for advanced digital skills. 

  • Olli-Pekka RISSANEN, Chief Specialist from the Ministry of Finance in Finland who will tell us more about developing data tools and skills in the Finish public sector. 

  • Helena CAMPBELL, Head of the Open Data Unit for Ireland in the Department of Public Expenditure NDP Delivery and Reform, who will talk to us about data literacy initiatives in the Irish public sector.


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