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LIMAPS is an online self-assessment tool for public services to evaluate and improve legal interoperability aspects, ensuring compliance with the European Interoperability Framework (EIF). It is an EC solution.

Legal Interoperability Maturity Assessment of a Public Service

What is the solution about?

LIMAPS is a user-friendly online questionnaire, designed as a self-assessment tool to assist public service owners to evaluate key legal interoperability aspects of their digital public service.

Legal interoperability focuses on the legal provisions that regulate the collaboration among different public administrations that operate under different legal mandates, as well as on limitations of data, information, knowledge share and reuse, and also, to legal interoperability enablers and manifestations that resolve legal incompatibilities and facilitate the interaction of the digital public services with its end users and other client services.

On completion of the survey, the public service owners receive tailored feedback and recommendations on how to further improve their service in terms of legal interoperability.

LIMAPS serves complementary to the IMAPS survey and its use is recommended in conjunction with IMAPS, to vertically assess the behavioural aspects of a digital public service, from the legal behavioural interoperability viewpoint.

What are the benefits of LIMAPS?

LIMAPS enables public service owners to evaluate, improve and consider key interoperability aspects of their public service, looking at the context of their Service Delivery (D) and Service Consumption (C), assessing:

  • legal behavioural interoperability specifications of the data, information and knowledge delivered and consumed;
  • legal behavioural interoperability capabilities that enable the delivery and consumption of services, data, information and knowledge;
  • legal behavioural interoperability manifestations of the public service delivering and consuming services, data, information and knowledge.

LIMAPS is fully compliant with the latest version of the European Interoperability Framework (EIF).

LIMAPS provides a compact and highly user-friendly online self-assessment survey.

Start your LIMAPS assessment!

The current beta version of LIMAPS (LIMAPS v1.2.0) is available at the EU survey portal:

Release date: 14/11/2022


Release date: 23/03/2022


Release date: 05/07/2021


vBETA version
Release date: 21/04/2020

LIMAPS v1.0.0

Detailed information

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Solution type
Legal Interoperability Requirement
Under development
Release version
Release date

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