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Supra-national authority

The Decision supporting tool on interoperability (the Tool) is being developed as part of the Legal Interoperability ISA2 action, which aims to ensure that digital and interoperability aspects are considered in EU policies from their earliest stage.  

Upon the design of a new legislation that brings changes to existing digital environments, especially at a trans-European level, policymakers have to choose which would be the most effective and efficient approach for implementation. In this decision they may want to consider, among other aspects, the costs and benefits of including interoperability requirements in the future legal proposal, which will affect the design of the related digital solution.

As part of the development of this Tool, the Legal Interoperability Team reflected on how to best provide support to policymakers to consider interoperability in policymaking. This Tool is a guidance document for policymakers identifying a series of points and questions to guide them in their policy assessments to consider interoperability and to adopt a methodology that will gradually facilitate the reuse of evidence in evaluations and impact assessments. This Tool can be used at all stages of the policy cycle, but it is particularly relevant when it comes to assessing impacts and designing policies and evaluating them. 

Download the Tool


This Tool is a work in progress. Therefore, we would really appreciate your feedback and input by participating to this discussion.

Detailed information

Published on
Last update
Solution type
Interoperability Governance,
Interoperability Specification,
Legal Interoperability Specification,
Interoperable Digital Public Services Implementation Orientation,
Interoperability Requirement,
Key Interoperability Enabler,
Legal Interoperability Requirement
Under development
Geographical coverage
European Union

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