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The Table Schema validation service, part of Interoperability Test Bed, ensures JSON content adheres to specifications for CSV data fields. Supports interoperability with a web UI and SOAP API for data validation. It is an EC solution.
European Commission
Supra-national authority

The Test Bed offers a Table Schema validation service that can be used to validate a Table Schema's JSON content against the Table Schema specification. Table Schema is a means of formalising the fields used in CSV content (and other tabular text formats) by focusing on fields' data types, patterns and constraints. It is a part of the Frictionless Specifications, a family of related and complementary specifications that aim to formalise exchanges of tabular data, facilitate the definition of validation libraries, tooling support and data automation processes.

The Table Schema validation service is available for use as a standalone validator and through the Test Bed as part of complete conformance testing. It offers the following APIs:


This Table Schema validator reuses the Test Bed's core JSON validation support that allows for a configuration-driven setup and automated updates of configured validators.

Detailed information

Last update
Solution type
Data Representation,
Test Enablers

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