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Joinup glossary


Joinup revolves around Collections. Collections provide a distinct, easy way to group and access content that is related to a specific subject field. All created Joinup content resides under a collection (i.e., solutions, documents, news, events etc.).

In a Contributor Licence Agreement (CLA), the rights of a specific contributor are assigned or granted to the party to whom the contribution is given. In a simple case, a contributor assigns their copyright to the party who is contributing. This is an additional, complementary licence that aims to prevent problems that arise from multiple copyright ownerships.

Copyleft is the practice of using copyright law to remove restrictions on distributing copies and modified versions of a work for others and requiring that the same freedoms be preserved in modified versions.

The copyright is a legal means to grant a creator of an intellectual property the exclusive rights to this property for a limited period of time. These exclusive rights comprise the right to exclude other parties from using the intellectual property, or to set certain limitations on the allowed usage.

A core vocabulary is a core concept, represented in a particular representation language, such as an RDF or XML schema.

This item type can be added by Collection/Solution owners and facilitators. It allows the creation of content pages with custom layouts via the use of re-arrangeable blocks. Currently, Joinup supports the following block types: simple paragraph; interactive geographical map; accordion; content listing; and iFrame.