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Joinup revamp

Joinup - Create-Share-Reuse
The Joinup platform plays many roles such as being an online repository of shared and reusable ICT solutions, a collaborative space, an observatory of all things Open Source and eGovernment-related. New enhancements are required in order to keep Joinup in line with the policy needs and to help further improve digital public services for businesses and citizens while assisting Member States in doing so with less effort and costs.

The first steps towards this goal have been taken – by listening to you, the users. The Joinup Team has been meticulously collecting, sorting and categorising all incoming user feedback. Your responses and opinions have set in motion a process that aims to challenge existing Joinup concepts such as its philosophy, visual and user interaction, as well as its technical underpinnings. Your input made one thing clear from the onset: sometimes, you need to judge a book by its cover. Joinup’s user interface (UI) and user experience (UX) was a common denominator in your feedback.

Joinup screenshots
It was now clear where to start from. The Joinup Team launched a UX audit from which valuable feedback and insights were gathered regarding the platform’s current state of human-computer interaction. On top of that, the team sought further input via dedicated virtual meetings, like the recent Joinup User Group Meeting, and arranged related online brainstorming sessions with key Joinup stakeholders.

This page will serve as a space in which all major UI/UX improvement activities will be announced, as they happen on the platform. In order to ensure a smooth transition, and allow user familiarity, these improvements will first be put through a testing phase and showcased to users via Joinup’s Demo environment. As usual, your feedback will be highly appreciated and welcomed during this stage.

We are all in this together.

The Joinup Team


UI/UX Improvement Activities

Date Description Status
February - July 2022 Gradually apply new theme to the platform In progress
January 2022 Release of new Advanced Search Page Completed
29 November 2021 Release of new Home Page Completed
November 2021 Migration to EC’s corporate Drupal pipeline that offers full automation for Continuous Integration/Deployment (CI/CD) with full DevOps support Completed
October 2021 Testing of intermediate Home Page design in the Joinup Demo environment by invited users Completed
March - June 2021 Initiation of backend UI/UX implementation on Home Page and Search/Advanced Search pages Completed
January - February 2021 Brainstorming sessions with Joinup stakeholders Completed
November 2020 Joinup User Group Meeting -- Presentation of UX recommendations/UI prototype & brainstorming on the future of the platform Completed
October - November 2020 Creation of UI prototype based on UX audit results & user interviews Completed
October 2020 UX audit results & recommendations Completed
August - September 2020 UX audit process Completed