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Interoperability Initiatives - Iceland


National Interoperability Framework

The National Interoperability Framework (NIF) is a set of standards, policies, and guidelines that ensure that information and communication technology (ICT) systems can communicate and share data seamlessly. It promotes the development of interoperable systems that facilitate data exchange and collaboration between different organizations and levels of government. The NIF provides a common language and a framework for ensuring that ICT solutions are compatible, secure, and reliable, which enhances the efficiency of public services and improves citizen outcomes.

Good Practices

This section provides examples at the national level in line with a selection of different thematic areas of the European Interoperability Framework (EIF). Further initiatives and good practices are available in the country’s Digital Public Administration Factsheet.

The Digital Iceland team, which is responsible for central core services available to all agencies, only relies on open source software in its development with agencies. All code is published on Github which is open and available to any agency, startup or any entity who wishes to further develop that code.

Data Security Classification is a prerequisite for more secure storage, handling and mediation of public sector data. It is also an important step in harmonising and amplifying more effective use and exchange of data between public bodies, the private sector and citizens. The classification was published in 2022 and is updated regularly. The classification scheme directly and indirectly impacts the use of cloud services in the public sector.

Data accessibility to and reusability of data of base registries varies. Some registries - such as the Land Registry, Address Registry and the Map of Estimated Farmland Registry - make their data available free of charge on the open data portal. Other registries provide access to certain data on specific websites free of charge. On the Registers Iceland website, users can view data on individual properties by looking up the address or the property number. On the Directorate of Internal Revenue webpage, users can access information on businesses. The administration of the base registries is coordinated by a number of public bodies in Iceland, with each base registry handling its respective master data type(s).