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Past NIFO Analytical Models and Factsheets

This page presents the past NIFO Analytical Models (AMs) as well as the NIFO factsheets. 

With the publication of the second version of the European Interoperability Framework (EIF) and an updated monitoring mechanism, the NIFO factsheets have not been updated after 2016 as the results of the EIF Monitoring Mechanism have been incorporated into the Digital Public Administration factsheets.

NIFO Factsheets 

The NIFO Factsheets aimed at providing an overview of the levels of implementation and alignment of the National Interoperability Frameworks (NIFs) of 32 European countries with the European Interoperability Framework (EIF). Additionally, the NIFO factsheets provided the readers with the countries’ latest developments and initiatives related to interoperability. With the publication of the latest European Interoperability Framework in 2017, and the introduction of a new monitoring mechanism to assess the levels of implementation and alignment of the NIFs with the EIF, some of the information provided in the NIFO factsheets has been transferred and included in Chapter 1.3 of the Digital Public Administration factsheets. This has allowed the Digital Public Administration factsheets to be completer and more thorough, providing an overview of the main developments in both the field of digital public administration and the one of interoperability. 

Both the 2015 and 2016 NIFO factsheets provide an overview of the main interoperability highlights and developments that took place in 32 European countries in 2015 and 2016 respectively. In addition, it assesses their advancements regarding the levels of implementation and alignment of their National Interoperability Frameworks with the European one. 

The 2015 and 2016 editions of the factsheets are available here below: 

Country Factsheets Published
Austria Download PDF 02-2017
Belgium Download PDF 02-2017
Bulgaria Download PDF 02-2017
Croatia Download PDF 02-2017
Cyprus Download PDF 02-2017
Czech Republic Download PDF 02-2017
Denmark Download PDF 02-2017
Estonia Download PDF 02-2017
Finland Download PDF 02-2017
France Download PDF 02-2017
Germany Download PDF 02-2017
Greece Download PDF 02-2017
Hungary Download PDF 02-2017
Iceland Download PDF 02-2017
Ireland Download PDF 02-2017
Italy Download PDF 02-2017
Latvia Download PDF 02-2017
Liechtenstein Download PDF 01-2015
Lithuania Download PDF 02-2017
Luxemburg Download PDF 02-2017
Malta Download PDF 02-2017
Netherlands Download PDF 02-2017
Norway Download PDF 02-2017
Poland Download PDF 02-2017
Portugal Download PDF 02-2017
Romania Download PDF 02-2017
Slovakia Download PDF 02-2017
Slovenia Download PDF 02-2017
Spain Download PDF 02-2017
Sweden Download PDF 02-2017
Switzerland Download PDF 08-2015
United Kingdom Download PDF 04-2017


Country Factsheets Published
Austria Download PDF 12-2015
Belgium Download PDF 12-2015
Bulgaria Download PDF 12-2015
Croatia Downoad PDF 12-2015
Cyprus Download PDF 12-2015
Czech Republic Download PDF 12-2015
Denmark Download PDF 12-2015
Estonia Download PDF 12-2015
Finland Download PDF 12-2015
France Download PDF 12-2015
Germany Download PDF 12-2015
Greece Download PDF 12-2015
Hungary Download PDF 12-2015
Iceland Download PDF 12-2015
Ireland Download PDF 12-2014
Italy Download PDF 12-2015
Latvia Download PDF 12-2015
Liechtenstein Download PDF 01-2015
Lithuania Download PDF 12-2015
Luxemburg Download PDF 01-2015
Malta Download PDF 12-2015
Netherlands Download PDF 12-2015
Norway Download PDF 12-2015
Poland Download PDF 12-2015
Portugal Download PDF 12-2015
Romania Download PDF 01-2015
Slovakia Download PDF 12-2015
Slovenia Download PDF 12-2015
Spain Download PDF 12-2015
Sweden Download PDF 12-2015
Switzerland Download PDF 08-2015
United Kingdom Download PDF 12-2015

NIFO Analytical Models

In a structured way, the NIFO Analytical models here below identify:

  • how the 26 European National Interoperability Frameworks (NIFs) are aligned with the European Interoperability Framework (EIF v2):
    • Fully, partially or not aligned.
  • how each elements is implemented through concrete projects:
    • Large scale implementation as a common practice, implemented in a few projects, not implemented.
  • how each element is monitored by public authorities, in order to further improving it:
    • Monitored, partially monitored, not observed.

Analytical models are available for download in both PDF and MS Excel versions here below.

nb: These Analytical Models still refer to EIF v2.

Last update: 13/11/2017

NIFO Analytical model Belgium 2016

Last update: 13/11/2017

NIFO Analytical Model Austria 2016
