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Case Studies

This page contains over 100 case studies which provide examples of good practices with strong emphasis on the use of OSS by public administrations. One of the main goals of the case studies is to enable the reader to draw conclusions relevant to their own environment. That is why the case studies focus on topics such as business considerations, technical aspects, legal and cost implications, cost models, and best practice in the context of OSS in public administrations.

Last update: 16/10/2017

Independent advice: Norway\'s Friprog competence centre

Open Source Software
Last update: 07/11/2017

Spago4Q for EU Public Administration: managing the services supply with the SLA approach through an open source measuring and monitoring platform.

Open Source Software
Last update: 15/10/2017

AirAware: managing the skies of Bucharest using free software

Open Source Software
Last update: 15/10/2017

Desktop4education: Bringing new environments to Austrian schools

Open Source Software
Last update: 15/10/2017

Eurostat: Standards and open source software for data interoperability

Open Source Software
Last update: 15/10/2017

OpenCimetiere: Managing graves the open way

Open Source Software
Last update: 15/10/2017

The Swedish National Police: How to avoid locking yourself in while saving money

Open Source Software
Last update: 07/11/2017

Study on the use of Open Source Software in the public sector (2001)

Open Source Software
Last update: 15/10/2017

OSS in Public Administrations: Malta

Open Source Software
Last update: 15/10/2017

An OSS Portal for the Italian Civil Protection Department

Open Source Software
Last update: 07/11/2017

OpenCimetiere: Managing graves the open way (OpenCimetiere)

Open Source Software
Last update: 07/11/2017

FriKomPort: Sharing code, costs, and benefits

Open Source Software