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Core Location and Core Public Service Pilot: Creating an integrated view of public sector organisation data

Published on: 29/06/2016 Document Archived

This report provides an overview of the activities that were carried out for supporting the Hellenic Ministry of Administrative Reform and e-Governance with the development of a Linked Open Government Data pilot demonstrating the feasibility and use of the ISA Core Vocabularies.

The pilot published linked data about Greek public administration agencies, merging various data sources. The hierarchy of agencies was represented with the W3C Organization ontology. Addresses are represented with the Core Location Vocabulary.


The ensued LOGD pilot has a dual objective:

  • To define consecutive application scenarios that demonstrate the added-value of opening-up high-quality government data, and support the development of at least one of them.
  • To demonstrate the use and the extensibility of semantic standards developed by the ISA Programme, such as the e-Government Core Vocabularies, in a national context. Core Vocabularies facilitate the integration of data from heterogeneous sources, providing a common machine-readable representation of basic concepts such as an address or a business. 

Nature of documentation: Technical report


Type of document
ISA Open Metadata Licence v1.1


Anonymous (not verified) Mon, 04/07/2016 - 17:08

Good Document