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Core Public Service Pilot: describe public services only once

Published on: 25/02/2013 Document Archived


This report reflects the outcomes of the work on test driving the Core Public Service Vocabulary. Governments use local, regional, and national access portals to give businesses, citizens, and public administrations basic information about their public services. Unfortunately, this basic information often duplicated, unstructured, and not machine-readable. This fragmentation makes it difficult for citizens, businesses, and public administrations to find information about the public service that they need. It also leads to situations where basically the same information about a public service is re-created in different applications or by different governments.

The Core Public Service Vocabulary allows public administrations to describe their serviceonly once using a standard, extensible, and machine-readable vocabulary and make these descriptions re-used on many governmental access portals. This pilot implementation shows how this can be done using a Linked Data infrastructure for a small sample of public service descriptoins origination from various European public administrations.

This report reflects the outcomes of the work on test driving the Core Public Service Vocabulary with sample data provided by the following partners:

The pilot application can be accessed via this link:


The test data, Google Refine Skeleton, and XSLT script can be downloaded here:

Nature of documentation: Annual report of activities


Type of document