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Anonymous (not verified)
Published on: 18/03/2015 Last update: 05/10/2017 Document Archived

Semantic interoperability can be increased by using semantic technologies, and ontologies are the key components for them, allowing to organise multiple, distributed datasets.

NeOn is contributing to overcome many cumbersome bottlenecks in designing, maintaining, and exploiting ontologies:

  • managing and reusing networked ontologies (NeOn Toolkit, Watson plugin)
  • designing networked ontologies according to explicit requirements and argumentation (design patterns portal, NeOn methodology, Cicero, XD and Kali-ma plugins)
  • mapping and modularising ontologies (mapping and modularization plugins)
  • managing change, evolution, and inconsistency of networked ontologies (RADON, Editorial Workflow plugins)
  • supporting multi-lingual ontologies (Label Translator)
  • supporting NLP-based ontology learning and semantic annotation (Text2Onto, LEDA plugins)


To advance the state of the art in using ontologies for large-scale semantic applications in distributed organisations. Particularly, we aim at improving the capability to handle multiple networked ontologies that exist in a particular context, are created collaboratively, and might be highly dynamic and constantly evolving.

To implement an ontology engineering platform, consisting of a core toolkit based on Eclipse ( and a number of tools (currently about 20) implementing specific functionalities as Eclipse plugins or standalone applications. To devise novel methods and models that support a large set of functionalities for large-scale, dynamic scenarios; use case are being developed in the fisheries domain (with UN-FAO, and in the pharmaceutical domain.

Nature of documentation: Other


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Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported (CC BY 3.0)