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Process and Methodology for Developing Core Vocabularies

Published on: 22/11/2011 Last update: 16/08/2023 Document Archived

This document outlines the process and methodology used for the development of Core Vocabularies in the context of Action 1.1 of the ISA Programme on semantic interoperability for eGovernment systems. Part of this action focuses on raising awareness about the importance to agree on a small set of simplified, reusable,  context-free Core Vocabularies as a fundamental semantic basis for interoperable electronic public services.

This document contains the process and methodology that is followed to assure that consensus on such a Core Vocabulary can be reached and that they receive the widest possible Member State participation during the development and later adoption.

The process described has been used in the development of the ADMS, CCCEVCore Person, Core Business, Core Public Organisation, Core Public Event and Core Location vocabularies.


The latest version of the Core Vocabularies can be downloaded from
(direct link to version 2.0.0)


related work:

  • ISA Open Metadata Licence v1.1  (outgoing rights): an open licensing model for semantic assets, the ISA Open Metadata Licence v1.1, with a focus on optimal conditions for re-use of those assets.
  • ISA Contributor Agreement v1.1 (incoming rights): agreement with contributors to prevent intellectual property right disputes when developing core vocabularies.
  • Semantic Asset Licensing Framework: The Joinup Semantic Asset Licensing Framework is a light weight system to acquire legal information about semantic assets stored in the Joinup platform, to link that legal information to the asset and to allow users of the Joinup platform to filter assets based on that legal information. 

Nature of documentation: Technical report


Type of document