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SEMIC.EU Conference 2011 - Rethinking Semantic Interoperability Through Collaboration

Published on: 18/05/2011 Document Archived

This e-Library document contains the brochure, the final report and all the presentations of the speakers of the SEMIC.EU Yearly Conference 2011, organised by the ISA Programme. The title of the conference was "Rethinking Semantic Interoperbaility Through Collaboration" and it took place on 18 May 2011 in Brussels :

For the European Public Administrations in 27 countries, in particular, collaboration seems to be the key element for moving forward in the area of semantic interoperability. That is why this year’s SEMIC.EU Conference will focus on the collaborative aspects of semantic interoperability.

The objective of the conference was to gain a broader understanding on the current state-of-affairs of semantic interoperability in Europe, and to understand the updated SEMIC.EU strategy; a strategy based on collaboration with the Member States and the broader community with a clear target to support Public Administrations in their interoperability efforts.
You can find general information about the conference in the brochure. Also you can Download the SEMIC 2011 Highlights report or preview it below.
Below you can find all the speakers from the conference and their presentation. Please feel free to have a look a this information.




Declan Deasy

Rethinking Semantic Interoperbility

Introductory presentation about the subject of the conference

Brand Niemann

The Semantic Community - Building Knowledge Centric Systems in the Cloud The Federal Semantic Interoperability Community of Practice (SICoP) was established in 2003 by a group of individuals for the purpose of achieving "semantic interoperability" and "semantic data integration" focused on the U.S. government sector. The SICoP enabled Semantic Interoperability, specifically the "operationalizing" of these technologies and approaches, through online conversation, meetings, tutorials, conferences, pilot projects, and other activities aimed at developing and disseminating best practices.

Stefan Decker

Opportunities and Challenges for Using Semantic Technologies

Prof. Stefan Decker, National University of Ireland and the director of the Digital Enterprise Research Institute (DERI), shared his views on opportunities and challenges for using semantic technologies in the public sector.

João Rodrigues Frade

Can the lack Semantic Interoperability in Europe be seen as a collaborative challenge?

PwC is currently assessing the SEMIC.EU business model. This involves the revision of the SEMIC.EU roadmap and a detailed analysis of the SEMIC.EU experience to date. In this context, João presented the results of PwC’s assessment and discuss future directions for SEMIC.EU. In all future scenarios, collaboration, at all levels, will continue to be key to the success of SEMIC.EU.

Adam Arndt - more than a repository In late 2009, Denmark replaced its aging XML repository with an online collaboration forum for digitisation. This presentation will introduced the reasoning for this, the selected system architecture and some lessons learned over the first couple of years in operation.
Tommi Karttaavi is how you spell interoperability in Finnish is the national interoperability portal for the public administration in Finland. The portal is based on the platform and will be launched in May 2011. The content of the portal will consist of things like XML Schemas, ontologies, code lists, vocabularies, reference models, standards and even software components.

Peep Küngas

The Estonian Semantic Interoperability Framework: Building a better e-State through Collaboration Estonian semantic interoperability framework aims at providing a unified view to heterogeneous data structures and services in nation-wide and pan-European settings. In order to support this aim the framework outlines standards such as XSD, WSDL, OWL and SA-WSDL to be used correspondingly for describing data structures, services, metamodels and finally, providing semantic annotations, which will ultimately lead to more effective usage of information artifacts in loosely coupled systems with respect to semantic interoperability. An online tool for collaborative creation and management of particular metamodels and semantic annotations has been released for supporting creation of interlinked artifacts complying to this set of standards.
Paul Oude Luttighuis

The Essence poject: collaborative and contextual semantic interoperability This presentation presented an overview of the approach and findings of the first half-year phase of the Essence project, a (so far) seven-party public-private consortium project aimed at improving semantic interoperability across and beyond Dutch e-government. Both the semantic approach, model- and context-based, as well as the lay-out of the collaboration, based on shared investment and open results, was addressed.

Mike Thacker

A Linked Data approach to sharing public sector service and project information Mike will introduce a Linked data ontology for sharing project details, show an application which is driven from a triple store of project information and show how projects are indexed against a set of public sector vocabularies, expressed according to the SKOS standard. Those vocabularies include the European local government service list developed by the North Sea Region Smart Cities project

Sören Auer

Creating an Ecosystem of Linked Governmental Data
Over the past 4 years, the semantic web activity has gained momentum with the widespread publishing of structured data as RDF. The Linked Data paradigm has therefore evolved from a practical research idea into a very promising candidate for addressing one of the biggest challenges in the area of the Semantic Web vision: the exploitation of the Web as a
platform for data and information integration. In particular for Open Governmental Data, the Linked Data paradigm represents a technique to facilitate the interoperation between different public datasets and services, it can help to foster citizen involvement and stimulate the creation of new value-added data services around governmental data.

Ignacio Boixo

EuroFilling project: Semantic Interoperability in primary financial reporting EuroFiling project is an open joint initiative of the XBRL Operational Network of the European Banking Authority in collaboration with XBRL Europe, as well as stakeholders as banks, solution providers, academy and individuals. XBRL is the XML-based eXtended Business Reporting Language. The project started in 2005, being operational since 2007 in a number of National Supervisory Authorities and its jurisdictional Financial and Monetary Institutions.
Ana Karla A. de Medeiros

SPOCS Project: Doing Business in Other EU Countries is Getting Simpler Businesses seeking to expand into other countries often struggle to comply with all the regulations they need to follow. Applying for licenses, permits and completing other administrative procedures in another country can be very complicated. SPOCS is a large-scale pilot project launched by the European Commission in May 2009 that aims to overcome these obstacles.


Nature of documentation: Conference-seminar-meeting proceeding


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