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4th European Summit on the Future Internet

Published on: 16/04/2013 Event Archived
Aveiro, Portugal
Venue details available on the conference website:

After three very successful editions, the 4th European Summit on the Future Internet, jointly organised by SNT and TICE.PT, seeks to provide a forum for exchange and discussion for Internet practitioners. Presentations and discussions will focus on some of the most core issues with which the Internet of tomorrow will be confronted. At a time of massive data proliferation, of major economic uncertainty, of growing cyber threats and of rampant deindustrialization, understanding what Europe should plan for be in R&D or policy terms, becomes vital. By joining us you will have the opportunity to confront your views with those of the speakers, thereby contributing to inventing the future Internet. 

As the Internet evolves and enters a unprecedented phase of new usage and technological development led in particular by the explosive growth of the digital universe and the massive advances in the corporation’s capabilities to capture, search, discover and analyze unstructured data, and economically extract value from it, questions are being asked as to the breadth and likely scope of its evolution. Unprecedented opportunities for progress and for abuse are offered to us. Which will be the most pertinent network architectures and how should they be shaped to cater to the growth of traffic and the necessity to enable the infrastructure of cities with Internet technologies? How to ensure a much greater and robust level of cyber-security? How to anticipate and plan for a potentially catastrophic service or infrastructure breakdown? Will stronger antitrust regulations be required? How to conciliate the existent nationally or regionally bounded regulatory frameworks with a boundless space where data privacy is not respected, where content is not protected by copyright, where intellectual property rights are ignored. Which actions need to be envisaged to ensure that organisations will not be totally bypassed in their management capacity, by the sheer scale and complexity of an infrastructure of the Internet of Things and communicating objects? 

Governments, worldwide, at regular intervals, force them to adjust their governance policies, codes of conduct and privacy practices. But the fight is a never-ending one. New “software” features are regularly introduced which defy data protection laws, questions of international reach of law enforcement arise, complex relations emerge in between innovation, standards making, patent trolls, and intellectual protection rules. 

The explosive growth of the digital universe and the massive advances in the corporation’s capabilities to capture, search, discover and analyze unstructured data, and economically extract value from it, offer unprecedented opportunities for progress and for abuse. We have reached the point where modelling and analytical tools can help Internet corporations and commercial institutions to predict future individual behaviour, while government agencies have the means to anticipate social unrest, political crisis or disease outbreaks.

Expected Participants:



Physical location
Aveiro, Portugal
Venue details available on the conference website: