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eGovernment 2016 - on the way to d-land

Published on: 26/02/2016 Event Archived
Musikhuset Aarhus
Thomas Jensens Allé
8000 Aarhus C

For the 13th consecutive year, Dansk IT organises a conference on the digitisation of the public sector in Denmark. Again this year the focus is on the challenges and opportunities offered by digitisation offers. 

The conference will focus on both best practice and worst practice relation. The conference offers more than six tracks, which you are free to pick from and thus compose your own conference program. 

For more information (in Danish), please refer to:


Expected Participants:

Conference is intended for all who deal with the digitalisation of public Denmark. Both local, regional, state and public institutions, suppliers and consultancies.

State: Pending
Physical location
Musikhuset Aarhus
Thomas Jensens Allé
8000 Aarhus C