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First workshop on Personal Data Spaces

Published on: 02/11/2022 Last update: 16/03/2023 Event

First workshop on Personal Data Spaces January

Together with the Interoperable Europe unit & the JRC, the first workshop on Personal Data Spaces was held on Thursday 12th of January 2023. An exciting team of experts from both the MyData and SOLID communities were brought together to discuss and frame the interoperability challenges between various personal data space implementations.

Various sector-specific DGs & Member States presented their plans & ambitions at SEMIC2022 for the next few years. One of the transversal components to be tackled from an interoperability perspective is ensuring data flows between different implementations of personal data space providers.

The first workshop focussed on the policy perspective and also brought together a group of start-ups who presented & discussed how the private market is developing and the type of business models driving those companies.

Information on the second and third workshop can be found on this JoinUp page.


  • Introduction to personal data spaces and the interoperability challenges of their implementation 
  • Discussing the legal & policy aspects of personal data spaces 
  • Understanding the current business models of the implementers on the market 

To find out more about what SEMIC does around the Personal Data Spaces, please visit this page.

Published materials

The slides from the first workshop on personal data spaces can be found here.

The report of the first workshop on personal data spaces can be retrieved via this link.


One day, starting at 9:30 until 16:30 CET on 12/01/2023. 


Brussels, Belgium 


Time Activity Virtual Link
9:30  Coffee and networking   

Opening the event: 

  • Welcome 
  • Overall goal of the workshop series: put the workshop in the overall landscape 
  • Intro to preliminary brief  
10:10  Policy for Personal Data Spaces in the EU link
10:30  What is a Personal Data Space?  link
11:00  Coffee   
11:20  Parallel sessions  Upon invitation
12:30  Lunch   
13:30  Understanding the business models - Panel discussion with start-ups  link
14:30  Coffee   

Retrospective on the results of the previous sessions:  

  • Opportunities, risks and concrete actions for making interoperable personal data spaces 
  • Role of start-ups and business partners 
  • Next steps & thank you 


Please note that the shuttle to Schuman station will depart at 16:45 CET


Key expert in the lead

This first workshop was led by Viivi Lähteenoja, Researcher at the University of Helsinki and chair of the board for MyData Global.


Pre-reading materials

Preparatory material for the first SEMIC workshop on Personal Data Spaces is available for all participants from here.



Virtual location