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Joint meeting of ISKO UK, IRSG and DCMI - Making metadata work

Anonymous (not verified)
Published on: 12/03/2014 Event Archived
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ISKO UK is pleased to announce an event on “making metadata work” which will gather the latest progresses in Semantic Web, exploitation of Knowledge Organization Systems (KOS), metadata annotation to aid workflow automation, information retrieval in networks of diverse media assets, Linked Data, and other opportunities for using metadata. This event consists of a Joint Meeting between ISKO UK, IRSG (Information Retrieval Special Interest Group of BCS, the Chartered Institute for IT) and DCMI (Dublin Core Metadata Initiative).


ISKO (International Society for Knowledge Organization) is a not-for-profit scientific/professional association with the objective of promoting research and communication in the domain of knowledge organization, within the broad field of information science and related disciplines. Founded in 2007, our UK Chapter has been attracting lively and steadily growing audiences to its afternoon meeting series (see slides and recordings at Its third conference was held in July 2013 on the general theme of “Knowledge organization – pushing the boundaries”

Established in 1978, the main aim of the BCS IRSG is supporting the communication between information retrieval (IR) researchers and practitioners, promoting the use of IR methods in industry and raising public awareness of IR-related topics. Recognizing IR as an interdisciplinary field, a further aim of the BCS IRSG is to act as a link between computer science, library and information science and also cognate communities (like natural language processing).

About DCMI
The DCMI (Dublin Core Metadata Initiative) is an open, international forum for the development of interoperable online metadata standards with diverse applications. DCMI’s activities include consensus-driven working groups, global conferences and workshops, standards liaison, and educational efforts to promote widespread acceptance of metadata standards and practices. DCMI is a project of ASIS&T (the Association for Information Science and Technology).

We shall all look forward to welcoming you on the day. To avoid disappointment, please do not delay in booking.

For more information about this event, click here


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