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Linked Legislation - Linked Data and the legal decision-making process

Anonymous (not verified)
Published on: 24/04/2014 Event Archived
Den Haag
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This event on "Linked Legislation - Linked Data and the legal decision-making process" is specifically designed for law lawyers , policy-makers and decision- employees of ministries and agencies. Organised in two sessions , it will display the tools available to assist in searching and finding legislation, case law and other legal resources. The conference focuses on the strengthening of parliamentary documents. In addition , it will offer its participants the opportunity to learn about these tools and how to use them efficiently. The different topics covered during the conference are described as follows:

  •     Improvment of the findability formal public ;
  •     Translation of laws and regulations to implement ;
  •     Dealing with changes in legislation and compliance issues ;
  •     Editorial and publishing policies and performance information ;
  •     Refering to parliamentary information ;
  •     Laws and tailored regulations.

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Expected Participants:

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Physical location
Den Haag
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