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Linked Open Data Melbourne

Published on: 17/12/2012 Event Archived
Melbourne CBD (To Be Confirmed and Announced Soon) - More info on

This event will start after lunch on Sunday (have a nice brunch in the Lanes and make sure your brain is fed as we'll be talking about the very fundamental roots of the Web).

First, the event will hold a panel discussion on the use of Linked OPEN data in Australia; after that, a discussion with a series of small technical workshops on the tools of linked open data and how they are practically used around the world will be held.  

Best of all this panel and workshop will prepare you for the Inventor of the Web (Sir Tim Berners Lee) coming to Melbourne University to talk about all things Web.

Expected Participants:

Scientists, Developers, Mangers, Web Enthusiats & Tech Savvy Citizens are most welcome.

Physical location
Melbourne CBD (To Be Confirmed and Announced Soon) - More info on