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LOV Symposium: Linking and Opening Vocabularies (2012.06.18)

Published on: 14/05/2012 Event Archived
Madrid, Spain
Faculty of Humanities, Communication and Information Science
University Carlos III of Madrid. Room: 17.2.75 Getafe (Madrid) Spain

This symposium aims on having discussions between the participants about linked open vocabularies. A list of relevant topics includes, but is not limited to the following:

  • Technological or political issues relating to linked open vocabularies.
  • Metadata for scientific data, e-Science and grid applications
  • Social tagging and user participation in building vocabularies.
  • Knowledge Organization Systems (e.g., ontologies, taxonomies, authority files, folksonomies, and thesauri) and Simple Knowledge Organization Systems (SKOS)
  • Ontology design and development/Integration of metadata and ontologies
  • Vocabularies and the Semantic Web (metadata and applications)
  • Vocabulary registries and registry services
  • Management of social tagging vocabularies to improve metadata systems
  • Metadata Vocabulary-Quality
  • Research tools and solutions to free/open vocabularies

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Expected Participants:

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Physical location
Madrid, Spain
Faculty of Humanities, Communication and Information Science
University Carlos III of Madrid. Room: 17.2.75 Getafe (Madrid) Spain